Nancy's Pretty Things


Oooh! How exciting! Nancy has a blog! You'll never know what you will find here...Pictures of my cards or pictures of my bestfriend Sam (the Eggo loving bear) or.... Who knows!? And If you want to see a picture close up, just click on it!

My new kitten lilly

Wow! I should be ashamed..

Hello everyone :D I am sure all of you have given up on me by now! I see that I haven't posted for 7 months.. I should be ashamed of myself for letting this go so long! Well I know its cliche to say that " I have just been too busy". But it is the truth. My definition of busy is a bit different than yours though I am sure, my definition is : I have been having way too much fun doing other things. haha.

I got a Gamefly subscription for Christmas this year, and it has kept me quite busy trying out tons of new video games every week. So busy in fact that I haven't crafted a single thing! I apologize for not being here. I am attempting at getting things straightened out so that I can be more faithful to my blog. I will not be crafting until summer is over. My craft room is not useable in the summer time do to no air conditioning. In the mean time I thought I would show you one of the other pretty things in my life that has been keeping me busy :D

Have a great day, and I hope to be posting more cards soon :D

Hi Everyone!

Hello Friends,
I am sorry that I have not posted anything on here for so long! After Halloween, things were so busy around here for the holidays! I just couldn't find the time to post, or really make any cards except for Christmas ones. A week before Christmas I hurt my neck and have not been able to do much. I haven't crafted or been on the computer, it aggravated my neck too much.. Now that I am off the muscle relaxers and pain pills, I am busy trying to play catch up around the house. Can you imagine what the house looks like not being able to cook or wash dishes for a month? haha. So needless to say it will still be a while before I am back to crafting and blogging..

Just wanted to let you all know what has been going on, and to let you know that I had not forgotten about the blog. :)

I hope you are all enjoying your new year!